Family HIstory Activities for Youth


Did you know that the initial concept for the Granite Family History Center was to be a discovery center for youth?  It all started with a talk by Elder Bednar in general conference in October 2011 about the ministry of Elijah. After discussing the importance of the restoration of the sealing power to the preparation of the world for the Savior’s Second Coming, he invited the young women, young men, and children to assist in the work of salvation for the human family. He encouraged the young people of the Church “to study, to search out your ancestors, and to prepare yourselves to perform proxy baptisms in the house of the Lord for your kindred dead.” He also urged the youth to “help other people identify their family histories”, and he pled with parents and leaders to help their children and youth learn about and experience the Spirit of Elijah.

Elder Bednar’s invitation was coupled with multiple promises. It was the promises that caught the attention and touched the hearts of the parents and leaders of the Granite Stake then and continues to drive the work at the Granite Family History Center today. Here are some of the promises made to those who respond in faith to the invitation to engage in temple and family history work:

  1. Your hearts shall turn to the fathers.
  2. Your love and gratitude for your ancestors will increase.
  3. Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior will become deep and abiding.
  4. You will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary.
  5. You will be safeguarded in your youth and throughout your lives.

I have personally witnessed these blessings flow into the lives of many of our youth and the resulting blessings to their families. A number of our youth who started doing family history in their early teens are now serving missions, leading out in their high schools, blessing their wards, and strengthening their families. You can tell by their countenance they have a deep and abiding conversion to the Savior and that they are being safeguarded and protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary.

Since its inception the Granite Family History Center has been focused on provided meaningful instruction and activities to assist the youth in accepting the invitation of Elder Bednar. Additional invitations have been issued by President Nelson and other apostles and prophets with corresponding promised blessings. Through after school activities, special camps, young men/young women activities, and participating as consultants at the center, our youth have had many opportunities to discover and benefit from family history. In addition to a wonderful physical facility for the youth, the Granite FHC has many dedicated and loving leaders who develop and implement these activities. Here is a sampling of some of the activities currently offered for youth:

  • Special youth hours from 3-5 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday– Youth receive instruction on a family history topic, participate in a hands-on experience and get something to eat!
  • Activities for YM/YW Groups – Young women, young men and even primary classes may schedule a time at the FHC for a family history activity. Sister Michele Babcock, our director of youth services, has compiled materials for dozens of activities that you can choose from. We also have both youth and adult consultants available to assist you in conducting these activities. Both small groups and large groups are welcome. We have 50+ computers so all can have a hands-on experience.
  • Training for Youth Consultants– The FHC will provide training to youth consultants called by their ward leadership. The FHC will also provide an opportunity to serve on a shift at the FHC where the youth can be mentored and have a weekly family history experience.
  • The FHC website ( –  This website offers a host of messages, training and links that will assist youth and their leaders in engaging in temple and family history activities.
  • Training for Leaders – The FHC will provide instruction to stake and ward leaders and parents about temple and family history opportunities for youth. Instruction is most beneficial at the FHC but we are willing to take the training to your wards if you desire.

If you or your youth would like to know more about family history or enjoy the rich blessings promised and experienced through temple and family history activity, please don’t hesitate to schedule a time at the FHC. You may contact Jacque Fryer (801-231-1635) (  to schedule a time. Sister Fryer will help you identify an activity that will best meet your needs and arrange for the support you will need to make it successful. We look forward to seeing you at the FHC!

–Dave Castleton- Director, Granite Family History Center