Gathering Israel

Helping to Gather Israel

We all know the responsibility President Russell M. Nelson has placed on each one of us when it comes to the gathering of Israel. He has profoundly emphasized that our unique responsibility is to help gather scattered Israel and prepare the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  

Fortunately for all of us, our Father in Heaven’s plan for safely gathering His children to our heavenly home is not based on worldly success or economic status. He treats all of us the same regardless of education, race, or gender. Our Father in Heaven’s plan is based on righteousness and receiving sacred ordinances and honoring the covenants we make.

I take comfort in the doctrine that there will be a time and a season for all people to receive and to respond to the gospel message. However, when President Nelson says, “The gathering of Israel is the greatest challenge, cause and work on the earth today,” we might ask ourselves, am I doing enough? And as I look around and see so many that know so much more than I do, I get nervous!

I am grateful that the Prophet has also said, “Anytime you do anything that helps anyone – on either side of the veil take a step towards making covenants with God, and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It’s as simple as that.”

I appreciate knowing I can help fulfill the Prophets request in a wide variety of ways. Each of our skill sets are different, and we each excel at different things. I think this is by design. It is probably best if we do not all have the same skill sets. Together we can reach all people. The Lord will use us and the set of talents we have been given if we are willing to engage in His work.

Through inspired teachings, we can help gather Israel in countless ways! Missionary efforts, temple attendance, a friendly word of encouragement are things we can all do that will help move this work forward. We should not live under camouflage! We should let our feelings be known.

I find comfort in knowing we do not have to be in front of a computer to engage in this work. Certainly that is one way to do it, but there are many other ways that are just as important. 

I hope that we will all recognize what we can do to support our Prophet in his request to have us help gather Israel. I know that as we do, we will be given opportunities to use the various talents we have all been given by a very kind and loving Father in Heaven.

-Doug Nielsen, Director, Granite FamilySearch Center