
How the Granite Family History Center Has Blessed My Life

Recently I was reflecting on the many blessings that have come into my life since being called to serve at the Granite Family History Center over a year ago. At the time I was called I was both overwhelmed and surprised that the Lord would want me to serve in a calling I knew so little about. I still feel overwhelmed at times with all I need to learn. However, words cannot express the joy I have felt and the many blessings that have come into my life through my association with the FHC. Let me just share a few.

Association with Wonderful People.  Never in my church service have I ever seen such dedication and devotion to serving the Lord. The leaders, trainers, consultants, and patrons have all taught me valuable lessons about serving their fellowmen, on both sides of the veil. Because those who come to the FHC are committed to a greater cause and because of their willingness to sacrifice to assist others, they are happy people that bring great joy to me.

Miracles. As I have attended classes, worked with patrons and talked with consultants, I have witnessed and heard others bear witness of the miracles that attend family history and temple work. The Lord’s hand is in this work. The tender mercies and miracles that occur every day at the FHC are inspiring and testimony building.

Education. The classes held at the FHC have opened my eyes to so many new experiences that have helped me in my own family history efforts. I look forward each week to learn from others who have made exciting discoveries and are willing to take the time to share their knowledge, skills, and testimony with others.

Scanning. Because of the wonderful scanning equipment we have at the FHC, I have been able to digitize many family photos, newspaper articles, and other memorabilia of my ancestors. Once digitized I have found sharing these pictures and memorabilia with members of my family that are not members of our Church has opened doors that have been shut tight for many years. The wonderful spirit that I have felt as I have scanned and organized these materials has been felt as I have shared them with these family members. For years I have prayed for a way to reach these dear family members and the Lord has answered my prayers through family history.

Families Working Together.  What a joy it has been to work with families that have come to the FHC and discovered how family history brings them closer together as a family and connects them with an eternal family and heavenly parents. To see parents helping children and children helping parents discover, gather, and connect is so rewarding.

Youth Battalion. To feel the excitement of the youth as they have answered President Nelson’s invitation to join the Youth Battalion of God in the work of gathering Israel on both sides of the veil is unparalleled. Under the guidance of incredibly gifted and devoted youth leaders, we have a whole army of youth that are at the FHC regularly doing their own work or helping others. I can’t explain the joy I feel when I see an 11 or 12 year old youth teaching others about FamilySearch or bearing testimony of temple service. I have seen the promises that Elder Bednar, Elder Cook, Elder Renlund, Elder Anderson, and Elder Nelson made come true in the lives of these youth.

Help in Writing History. Years ago I decided to write a history of my father. He died quite young and so my children and grandchildren never had the opportunity to know him. I started many times but did not get far. Through my experiences at the FHC, I have discovered many tools that have helped me in writing the history. It is almost complete now and I will be forever grateful for the many resources at the FHC that have played a part in this work.

I could go on and on about the blessings that have come to me as a result of the activities and opportunities available at the FHC. So many of my prayers have been answered through my work with temple and family history. Thanks to so many who have helped me to understand and find the joy in temple and family history work. –Dave Castleton, Director, Granite Family History Center