The Spirit of Elijah


During the past couple of weeks the Granite Family History Center has been blessed with large groups of youth and their leaders engaged in fun family history activities. It is wonderful to see the excitement and joy of the youth as they are enjoying family history together after a long pandemic hiatus.

I am overwhelmed with the joy I feel in my life because of temple and family history. Spending time at the FHC, expanding on the things I learn there in my home, and then connecting with ancestors in the temple, has brought great meaning and joy to this season of my life. President Russell M. Nelson has repeatedly promised joy and spiritual strength through temple and family history. In one of his invitations he said: 

We can be inspired all day long about temple and family history experiences others have had. But we must do something to actually experience the joy ourselves. . . .I invite you to prayerfully consider what kind of sacrifices–preferably a sacrifice of time–you can make to do more temple work and family history work.”

In the time spent at the Granite FHC since its reopening, I have learned so much from the instructors, the consultants, the youth, the staff, and the patrons. I have found the temple and the FHC to be happy places where the spirit is felt and the veil is thin. I have also learned much about my ancestors which has given me strength, inspired me to do more, and helped me to feel closer to family and God.

If you have not visited the FHC website recently (, you will be pleasantly surprised with all the new content. The fall class schedule is listed with many new classes. You will also see a variety of activities as we have primary, youth, young single adults, mutual groups, Elders Quorums, Relief Society groups, missionaries and families using the FHC to discover, gather and connect. The FHC website also has resources that are available on-line, including classes, consultant resources, youth activities, and much more. We have so many talented and dedicated people serving at the FHC to make your experience with family history fun and meaningful.

If you haven’t felt the excitement yet for the opportunities awaiting you at the FHC, please drop by in the next month and let us show you around. We look forward to participating with you in this great work and look forward to seeing a smile on your face.

–David Castleton – Director – Granite Family History Center