The Spirit of Elijah

RootsTech 2021

For the first time ever, the world’s largest family celebration event will be entirely virtual and completely free. Get ready to celebrate shared connections with people from around the world. Connect with friends, your family, your past, and your heritage and homelands—all from the comfort of your home and in your browser.

If you have never attended RootsTech, or if you are a regular attendee, you can sign up to attend at the RootsTech website . There you will learn about “Roots Tech Connect” and be able to register to receive email updates, reminders, and learn how to gain access to this amazing conference.

It is exciting that we will be able to continue to learn and grow through this online, digital conference, and continue to gain new skills and learn about the latest and greatest resources to aid us in our own Family History journey. — Elaine Hardman