Family Activities

Schedule Some Family Time at the Granite Family History Center

Did you know you can schedule the Granite Family History Center for your own family gatherings such as family reunions or family home evenings or other activities such as a youth night? The Family History Center is not only a place to take classes and work on family history with the help of consultants, but it is also a wonderful place to hold your own individual family history activities. It can also provide a way to help our nonmember friends and neighbors learn about and work on their own family trees.

To check for available times and to schedule the center for use during normal operating hours or after hours contact Jacque Fryer at 801-231-1635 or at After hours include any day of the week, except Monday evenings (beginning at 7 PM) which are reserved for YSA and SA wards. It’s a great place with great resources to get your family working together on your family history! –Jacque Fryer