Granite Family History Center

Steadily Moving Forward

In President Russell M. Nelson’s opening address at the Saturday Morning, October 3, 2020, Session of General Conference, titled “Moving Ahead”, he shared his gratitude for the “technology that allows us to be connected as one great worldwide gathering” for General Conference. He also said: “we have learned to do some things differently and some even more effectively.”

I have found this to be true in many aspects of my life, and especially in Family History Research. There are many valuable tools available that will help people of all interests and skill levels to find family members, expand their family tree on Family Search, and prepare family names to receive their ordinances when the temples open again.

While there have not been live classes at the Granite Family History Center, there have been online classes, so that anyone who is interested can continue their family history work. These classes are offered on Tuesdays with links to classes found at the website by clicking “schedule” then “class schedule” on the drop-down menu. You will also find classes that have been recorded, on a variety of topics, by clicking “resources” then “videos and tutorials” in the drop down menu. These videos of classes are available for you to watch, on demand, at any time.

While we are still being cautious, and probably will need to continue social distancing, face masks, zoom meetings, etc. for some time, we can continue to learn and grow and participate in the gathering of Israel through Family History work. –Elaine Hardman