Building Zion

The Building Up of Zion

In the tenth article of faith, we read: We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion will be built upon this [the American] continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory. A short YouTube video: Joseph Smith – Preparing for Zion gives us an idea of the importance of Zion to the Saints in the early Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and to us today.

On Sunday I logged on to Come Follow Me Insights Doctrine and Covenants 51-57, on my YouTube, as part of this weeks reading assignment. In D&C section 56, we read about a number of brethren who were called in pairs to go to Missouri, preaching the gospel as they traveled. In D&C section 57, we can learn about the revelation given through Joseph Smith about the City of Zion and the temple to be built in Independence (Jackson County) Missouri. This revelation was given in July of 1831, a little over a year after the organization of the church in April of 1830. Many who settled in Jackson County were hand picked by the Lord because of their talents and skills that would be needed to build Zion. There are some interesting resources that you can learn about at; The Family History Guide – Come Follow Me Companion. These resources can help us appreciate the challenges of developing new settlements in the 19th Century. You can follow links at The Family History Guide – Come Follow Me Companion to learn about the occupations of your ancestors.

After the site of Zion and the temple site in Jackson County Missouri had to be abandoned two years later, and the Saints were eventually driven from the state of Missouri, it left many wondering if Zion was lost. Zion is not lost, and the City of Zion, the New Jerusalem, will at some future date be built in Jackson County Missouri as prophesied in D&C section 57. In the meantime we can study the words of latter day prophets and apostles to learn more about Zion. In a talk; Come to Zion – D. Todd Christofferson October 2008 General Conference, we get a picture of ancient Zion, Zion- The New Jerusalem, and how we are builders of Zion today.

When converts were called to “gather to Zion” in the early days of the church, they gathered to Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, and then to the Salt Lake Valley. Once the first stake was organized outside the United States, converts were urged to build Zion in their own stakes.

Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught: ” We have been commissioned to prepare a people for the second coming of the Son of Man. We have been called to preach the gospel to every nation and kindred and tongue and people. We have been commanded to lay the foundations of Zion and to get all things ready for the return of Him who shall again crown the Holy City with his presence and glory…”Stakes of Zion are… being organized at the ends of the earth…A stake of Zion is a part of Zion. You cannot create a stake of Zion without creating a part of Zion. Zion is the pure in heart; we gain purity of heart by baptism, and by obedience. A stake has geographical boundaries. To create a stake is like founding a City of Holiness. Every stake on earth is the gathering place for the lost sheep of Israel who live in its area.”

“This then is the counsel of the Brethren: Build up Zion, but build it up in the area where God has given you birth and nationality. Build it up where he has given you citizenship, family, and friends …The Saints who comprise [any] part of Zion are and should be an influence for good in all these nations.” (Doctrine and Covenants Student Manuel – Enrichment B)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has become a global church, and stakes and temples dot the earth, this graphic, Membership growth, shows the growth of the church in the numbers of Stakes organized and the number of temples being build worldwide. Zion and her stakes are to be places of peace and safety for the saints of God. Zion is wherever the organization of the Church of God is – where the pure in heart are gathered. The gathering of Israel is now in progress. In a conference talk; Come to Zion, Come to Zion – Keith B. McMullin October 2002 General Conference, we learn that we are Zion. As we fulfill our callings and assignments in our wards and stakes, as we minister to the needs of those around us, as we gather Israel through missionary work, and temple and family history work, and help others to do the same, we are growing into a Zion people (the pure in heart). Zion is here.

–Elaine Hardman – Communications – Granite Family History Center