Family History and Temple Work


Each week I hear from patrons and consultants at the Granite Family History Center about their experiences with temple and family history. It is exciting to learn of the joy to the heart and comfort to the soul they receive. It is so inspiring and rewarding to be involved in such a wonderful endeavor. 

In an address by Elder David A. Bednar given at a seminar for new mission presidents on June 25, 2013, he shares three distinct and powerful ways in which family history and the Spirit of Elijah touch hearts:

  • They awaken and prepare hearts for a mighty change.
  • They sustain and strengthen hearts that have experienced a mighty change.
  • They soften hearts that have become hardened.

Let me share an example of each of these with you.

Prepares Hearts

Often youth of other faiths visit the FHC with their friends. Their eyes light up as they learn about their ancestors and they begin to build their own family tree. As they feel a connection to these family members they want to learn more. They like the spirit they feel when learning about their ancestors. They also begin to ask questions about binding families eternally and the work that takes place in the temples. Their interest and curiosity opens up discussions in their homes, which in turns begins to prepare the hearts of entire families. 

Sustains and Strengthens Hearts

Youth as well as adults often find difficult times in their lives when they may be discouraged, saddled with sin, overwhelmed with pressures of the world, or simply existing. As they engage in indexing, researching their ancestors, interviewing family members, or performing proxy ordinances for their ancestors, they experience the powerful influence of the Holy Ghost. They then experience direction, comfort, peace, and a renewed closeness to Heavenly Father and the Savior.

Softens a Hardened Heart

For many years my relationship with some of my siblings was strained because of events decades ago that caused them to abandon the church, the prophets and their teachings. Though our relationship was civil, it was very superficial and void of meaning. That all changed when I began sharing photos, stories and information about our family. As we viewed pictures, shared stories and learned more about our family tree, a wonderful spirit was present. This led to further discussions and more meaningful relationships. There is now a mutual love and respect that was missing for many years, thanks to family history.

It is exciting to discover and connect with ancestors. The spirit that attends when we engage in temple and family history work blesses us and gives us direction, comfort and a sense of belonging. There are many others around us that could benefit from that same spirit. We have the opportunity to help prepare, strengthen, sustain and soften hearts and bring souls to Christ. What a blessing it is to have this great resource in the world today.

-David Castleton, Director, Granite Family History Center