
The Record Spoke to Me

For years I have served as a family history consultant at the Granite Family History Center. During slow times when there are not patrons needing help, I have engaged in indexing. I have found it to be a rewarding experience and have indexed over 12,500 records. 

On July 5, 2019, I had a unique experience while engaged in indexing. I noticed the name Luigi Delegge on the record I was reviewing. The name stood out to me. I didn’t know why, though at first I simply thought that was an interesting Italian name. I then found myself looking through the document, not for the information to index, but to find out more about Luigi. It was then I discovered his date of death was July 5, 1909. I quickly realized that the very day I found Luigi was exactly 110 years from the date of his death. I excitedly turned to my wife and exclaimed, “I can do this guy’s temple work!”

As I did more research about Luigi, I realized that none of the temple ordinances had been performed for him or his wife. I went to work preparing ordinance cards and then subsequently my wife and I had the choice experience of doing the ordinance work for Luigi, his wife and some other family members.

What a blessing it was to me to not only index a record, but have the record speak to me that day in July a few years ago. I am grateful for the spirit that attends us when we engage in family history work and the opportunity we have to connect with those on the other side of the veil.

-Shawn Hewlett, Temple & Family History Consultant, Granite Family History Center