Family History and Temple Work

The Things of Most Value

President Russell M. Nelson has recently said, “In coming days, we will see the greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen…He will bestow countless privileges, blessings, and miracles upon the faithful.” (link to talk)

It is certainly an exciting time to be alive! There are so many ways to fill our days and so many options for how to spend our time. Certainly, the world offers much in terms of excitement and entertainment. And part of our Father in Heaven’s plan is to let each of us choose how we spend our time and what we do with it. I can’t help but feel blessed that there are so many good things for us to choose from. 

But with all these choices, I have been wondering what the things of most value might be and how should we be spending our time. As I have pondered this, I have reflected on President Nelson’s comment above, and I wonder what we need to be doing to witness the “greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen.”  

It’s obvious President Nelson has a great love of temples, as evidenced by his announcing 20 new temple sites in his most recent General Conference address. There has only been one other time in history when 20 temples were announced at a single time, and that was when President Nelson announced 20 temples in his General Conference address in April of 2021. 

In the almost 6 years that President Nelson has been our Prophet, he has announced a total of 153 new temples. As a prophet, he has accounted for 46% of all temples, bringing the total (dedicated, under construction or in planning) to 335 worldwide. It is clear our leaders feel strongly about temples and what goes on within their walls. 

As President Nelson is quick to point out, these temples in and of themselves may not have a great impact on our lives, but the time we spend in them will! Earlier this month he said, “Spending more time in the temple builds faith. And service and worship in the temple will help you to think celestial.” (link to talk)

I have always tied temple work and family history work together. What greater joy could we experience than being an instrument that takes part in sealing families together for time and all eternity? Certainly, life has much to offer, there is fun and excitement around each corner, but true joy and lasting happiness comes from doing more than chasing bright lights! 

We all have the same amount of time in a day and it is my hope and prayer that we will give Family History the time it deserves. The Lord has given us ample opportunities to participate in this work. Whether by recording our own life experiences, discovering those who came before us, helping preserve the memories of those we love, or by spending time in the temple, we can all participate in this important work. I love the saying, “it’s not the size of the steps you are taking, it’s the direction in which you are moving.” 

It’s my hope that, as we participate in this work, in any form, we will see “the greatest manifestations of the Savior’s power that the world has ever seen.” 

– Doug Nielsen, Director, Granite FamilySearch Center