Family History

Two Heads Are Better Than One

You’ve heard the old saying that two heads are better than one. Well, we think that’s especially true with family history.  Each of us has our own unique way of how to approach family history, how to organize photos, stories, or research, or how to work through the brick walls encountered in family research. Wouldn’t it be great if we could share that plethora of great ideas and methodologies with each other?  Well, we can!!!

Currently on the sidebar of our website, you will see a Submit Article section.  This is for you–an easy, convenient way to send us your ideas. We encourage and welcome YOU to send in something about family history that you would be willing to share. 

Maybe you have had a inspiring family history experience that you would like to share.  Do you have a research technique that you use all the time that works well for you? It may very well help others as well. Have you figured out how to organize all those photos collected throughout the years that might give others an idea of how they can begin? What is your favorite aspect of family history and how do you approach it?

You may be tempted to think that your idea or technique is nothing new or special, BUT it may be exactly the tip that someone else needs to help them reach the next level in their family history efforts. So….how about we put our heads (and ideas) together, and together we will all achieve more!