The Spirit of Elijah

Ministering Through Temple and Family History Work

President Russell M. Nelson has declared: “The Lord is hastening His work to gather Israel. That gathering is the most important thing taking place on earth today. Nothing else compares in magnitude, nothing else compares in importance, nothing else compares in majesty. And if you choose to, if you want to, you can be a big part of it” (“Hope of Israel” [worldwide youth devotional, June 3, 2018],

When we engage in temple and family history activities, we discover more about ourselves and our ancestors. We then connect with our ancestors by performing needed gospel ordinances. This discovery and connection is part of the gathering of Israel. (See Ephesians 1:10.)

During the 2020 Temple and Family History leadership meeting, Kevin S. Hamilton, stated, “The spirit of this work, what we sometimes refer to as the spirit of Elijah, is moving across the earth at an unprecedented rate with many—both Church members and the general public—feeling a deep desire to connect with their families. When Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith in 1823 he told him that Elijah, the Old Testament prophet, would return to the earth and would plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers, and that the hearts of the children would turn to their fathers. “

In 1836 in the Kirtland Temple, Elijah did appear to the Prophet Joseph Smith. This began the long-promised turning of the hearts of the children to their parents. We see this today across the entire face of the earth. Across all ethnicities, races, ages, and faiths.

President Russell M. Nelson has taught that the Holy Ghost is bearing witness of the divine nature of the family. When we begin to think about, talk about, or research anything to do with our ancestors, there is a spirit that comes. A spirit that testifies that we are children of God, and heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ.

As we minister to all with temple and family history, the spirit of the Holy Ghost will help them to return to, or stay on, or enter into the covenant pathway that leads to salvation and exaltation.

We can help those we love and care about to start on this most sacred journey. We can assist them in beginning or continuing their Temple and Family History work. In doing this we are helping in the gathering of Israel. May we all be blessed with the Spirit of Elijah as we participate in our temple and family history work, and minister to others in this great work. –Elaine Hardman